


The Bible – We believe that the Bible is the authoritative word of God.  It was composed by men who received direct revelation from God, who related eyewitness testimony of the work of God and who conveyed the commands and will of God for mankind.  The Bible is the final source of authority for the church.

God – We believe there is one God, an infinite spirit by whom all things are created and in whom all things subsist, both visible and invisible.  This one true God consists of three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  God rules over his creation.  He is perfectly holy, infinitely wise, thoroughly benevolent and unequivocally just.  He made all things to bring glory to him and intends for man to live in fellowship with him.  He communicated his will to mankind through prophets and messengers who recorded his message in scripture.  In particular, he accomplished salvation through the incarnation of the Son in human form and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer.

The Son of God – We believe that the Son of God is the second person of the trinity.  The son of God was incarnated in the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  He was fully God and fully man.  Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, manifested the nature of God in human form, died on a cross for the remission of the sins of mankind and rose again in victory over sin and death.  We believe that Jesus Christ will return someday to receive his church to himself and to judge the living and the dead.

The Holy Spirit – We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity.  The Holy Spirit is active in revealing the will of God to mankind.  This work began at creation and continues until today in both unbeliever and believer.  The Holy Spirit convicts mankind of sin and guides mankind to truth.  The Holy Spirit led the writers of Scripture in composing their works.  He continues to lead believers by dwelling within them from the moment of salvation, and, therefore, the believer needs no further expression of his presence.  

Salvation – We believe man was created holy, in the image of God.  By a willing transgression, man fell from this state suffering both spiritual and physical death.  The spiritual and physical death brought about by sin has been transferred to all of mankind such that man is unable, in any way, to obtain his own salvation.  Thus, mankind can only be eternally saved by receiving the free gift of redemption offered by the willing sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.  God offers eternal salvation to all who repent of their sin, who believe that Jesus Christ alone is the mediator of salvation and who confess their faith in him.  Those who reject the salvation of God offered through the atonement secured by Jesus Christ remain in their sin and will be judged eternally.

The Church – We believe the church is a congregation of believers in God who have confessed their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation and have been baptized as a public profession of their faith.  The church is led by elders—men who fulfill the requirements laid out in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1—as well as by deacons and deaconesses—men and women who serve the church body under the instruction of the elders.  The church administers two ordinances: baptism and communion.  The church’s aim is to teach the Bible, to encourage righteousness and the spiritual integrity of the congregation and to promote the expansion of the gospel throughout the world.